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Editor’s Picks

When Kindness Hurts: The Importance of Self-Care for Behavior Professionals

by Anna Francesca Bradley When I first delved into the world of animal behavior over 20 years ago, there was very little, if any, emphasis on looking after oneself. The focus (and rightly so) was on clients’ well-being and doing one’s utmost to help both animal and human, and very little thought was given to the individual professionals who were throwing everything, their heart and soul, into that journey. Thankfully, awareness has changed. The Professional’s Role When I first thought about becoming a behavior modification and training professional, I did… Continued

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Meet Kim Monteith of the British Columbia SPCA

Kim prioritizes the well-being of both animals and people in her work. Tell us a little bit about yourself. How did you first get into animal behavior/training or pet care, and what you are doing now? With over 25 years in animal behavior and pet care, my journey began with a pet-sitting business and then volunteering at the British Columbia SPCA in various roles, including trainer and dog walker, which ultimately led to a paid position as an animal care attendant. During this time, I also had the opportunity to… Continued

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Prescription and Veterinary Diets–Are They Medicine? Are They Worth the Added Cost?

by Don Hanson Pet foods sold as “prescription” or “veterinary” diets are typically promoted as treating medical issues like skin allergies, kidney disease, cancer, and more. They usually are much more expensive than regular dog food. For example, an 18.7 lb. bag of one company’s kidney diet sells for $104, while a 15 lb. bag of its regular dog food costs $46, half the price of the “prescription” diet. These alleged medical diets are often sold by veterinarians or outlets that will only sell you the food if you provide… Continued

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Say Goodbye to Cash Flow Woes: Expert Tips for Managing Your Training Business Income

In this article, the experts at dogbiz share tips for managing cash flow for your training business. Ask dogbiz Q: Hi dogbiz, I’ve recently started my own dog training business (woot woot!), but I’m finding it challenging to feel safe about the money part. It feels like a big adjustment after having a regular paycheck for most of my career, and my income is now up and down every month. Any tips on how to navigate this aspect of the business and avoid getting cold feet? Thanks, Ryan A: Hi… Continued

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When Kindness Hurts: The Importance of Self-Care for Behavior Professionals

by Anna Francesca Bradley When I first delved into the world of animal behavior over 20 years ago, there was very little, if any, emphasis on looking after oneself. The focus (and rightly so) was on clients’ well-being and doing one’s utmost to help both animal and human, and very little thought was given to the individual professionals who were throwing everything, their heart and soul, into that journey. Thankfully, awareness has changed. The Professional’s Role When I first thought about becoming a behavior modification and training professional, I did… Continued

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